This Intellectual Output will be led by Adam Mickiewicz University in PoznaĆ. It will assess current AD training practices. It will include an overview of existing university courses and AD training practices implemented by AD providers. The scope of this IO will cover training that focuses on various forms of recorded and live AD. This output will create a snapshot of the current situation, which will serve as a starting point for obtaining clear understanding of what is common to all training programmes and what is still required in the provision of a professional curriculum for an audio description expert. The aim of this phase is to study the problematic areas involved in the definition of the professional profile and in the development of a curriculum. This IO will have a quantitative and a qualitative part. The quantitative survey will be prepared as an online form distributed among teachers of AD in higher education institutions and AD providers across Europe. We will collect information about the quantity and length of training, types of training, group sizes, teaching modes, the amount of theory and practice in the course and assessment techniques. We will then undertake a qualitative overview of the state of the art that will include an in-depth analysis of course materials provided by AD trainers from partner organisations. We will analyse in detail existing curricula, theoretical materials, audiovisual materials and types of exercise. We will also conduct in-depth interviews with selected teachers to gain more insight into their teaching approach. The analysis in the first IO will produce a clear picture of the current teaching practices in the area of AD.