It is crucial that the course design (IO3) and the educational components produced by ADLAB PRO (IO4) are officially recognized and validated at a European level to guarantee their quality and also the sustainability and resilience of the project. Through IO6, ADLAB PRO will dedicate special efforts to this aim. ADLAB PRO will deliver two different types of assessment and accreditation: ECTS will be used by HEIs and ECVETS by companies interested in vocational education. Attributing ECTS/ECVETS to each of ADLAP PRO’s educational components will make it easier to use ADLAB PRO training materials both at HEIs and in vocational (e.g. company in-house) training and we will ensure accreditation standards and quality. UNITS will lead IO6, but all partners will take an active part in the accreditation process. The HEI partners will be essential for the definition of the learning outcomes and the quantification of the ECTS to assign to each educational component (or unit, cf. IO3 and IO4). Non-educational partners will be essential to work alongside HEI partners helping to quantify ECVETS. IO6 will develop along with other IOs so that while the educational components will not only be designed (IO3), created (IO4), tested & evaluated (IO5), they will also be accredited (IO6). Each partner will define the expected learning outcomes (i.e. what a learner knows, understands and is able to do on completion of a learning process), skills and competences to be acquired for each educational component, and will calculate its credit value attributing a number of ECTS and ECVETS to each unit.